Tuesday, February 14, 2006

I shot the sheriff, but I did not shoot no Texas lawyer

So, the vice president shot a guy. Should we be surprised? Al Franken did a bit at the beginning of his show yesterday talking about how if it had been Bush that Cheney had shot, Bush probably would have tried to shoot back. And they would have ended up blasting at each other like a scene from a Tarantino movie. I'm just surprised Vice President Pace Maker didn't have a heart attack from the shock of the moment. What does it say about us that the No. 2 person in our government is running around in a field with a rifle and apparently not looking too closely at where he's firing? It's not enough for him that he and his cronies turned Iraq into a pile of rubble, he's got to go hunting on top of it. If he wants to shoot guns so badly, he should catch the next transport to Baghdad.

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