Wednesday, January 31, 2007

One year

I'm pretty sure I've moved past the point of being overly sentimental about anniversaries, but for some reason, I logged back into this flight of fancy today after many months of not having done so, and I realized that it's been one year to the day since I started this whole sleigh ride.

A few things have changed. No Super Bowl repeat for the Steelers. And no more Bill Cowher. And I guess there have been some changes in Washington too. The Dems are in control. That's good. But Bush is still the decider! We're never getting out of Iraq. And it's looking like we're going to bomb Iran while we're at it. Why not? It's fun making piles of rubble in the sand.

And I'm watching a lot of hockey. That's different. I got into a fantasy league and I'm starting to get hooked on Sidney Crosby. Unfortunately, the Penguins may not be in Pittsburgh for much longer if the city and state can't figure out how to build them an arena. For reasons that pass understanding, the state gaming commission denied the slots license to the company that would have built a new arena at no cost to the city. Of course, the idea of the state putting itself into a position where it's beholden to a casino may not have been such a good thing. But the Pens have a good young team. Here's hoping the city and state find a way.

Aside from that, I'm working, I'm freelancing, and that's about it. So you can bet my witless ramblings in 2007 are bound to be so much better than the ones from 2006.

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