Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The 2009 Pirates: I didn't know we still had a team

If the folks who brought us the movie Major League came along today with that idea, the team they'd base it on would be the Pirates. No doubt, there are society-type ladies all over Pittsburgh, like the one in that awkward scene where Tom Berenger crashes the party at Rene Russo's boyfriend's place, saying: "Baseball? Here? In Pittsburgh? I didn't know we still had a team?"

Indeed, what with the Penguins and Steelers both winning championships and the Steelers now back in training camp, the only way for the Pirates to get any attention is to do what they did today. Hey, it's not every day a team trades away two of its cornerstone players. It's not every year a team trades away five members of its starting lineup, three of whom have been all-stars and one of whom was just signed to a three-year contract extension in February. And we're not even going to bring up the Jason Bay and Xavier Nady deals from last year.

You can't even really get upset about it anymore. We all knew it was coming. But it's sad when a player like Jack Wilson who kept showing up every year for nine years of losing and gave everything he had gets shipped away. And it's frustrating to give up a guy who can hit like Freddy Sanchez.

They managed to get a pretty decent haul out of the Wilson trade -- or so it seems on paper. Jeff Clement is in his third season in Class AAA ball and hit .227 in an extended trip to the majors with Seattle last season. Hate to say it, but just from looking at his numbers, it feels like he might be one of those guys who's topped out already. Another Adam LaRoche. No more upside. A couple of the pitchers that came from Seattle are in Class A ball -- nice numbers this year, but too early to know if they'll pan out. One of them is 6-foot-7, so if nothing else he's got a great build for a pitcher.

We'll know in a couple years. And that's the frustrating part. We have no way of knowing if these guys are going to work out or if the team will find itself two years from now still bellyaching -- as they have been for years -- that they "don't have enough talent." It's the same old song we've been listening to for years, through multiple management groups. Sure, you can make the argument that the team wasn't winning with all of these guys they've unloaded the last couple years. The thing is, some teams address that by spending some money and filling their holes through free agency. The Pirates seem willing to tear it all down every few years and start from scratch. There are teams that do that too, but then they eventually become at least respectable, if not contenders. No such luck in Pittsburgh.

So we're back to where we were in the mid 1990s and again five or six years ago. We're rebuilding. We're hoping these guys we've picked up in all these deals will pan out. And forgive the pessimism, but we're hoping to hold on to the ones who do pan out. Is that too much to ask? For the last 17 years in Pittsburgh, it has been.

Monday, July 20, 2009

'We choose to go to the moon .... and that's the way it is'

It is a confluence of events that is ironic and bittersweet and unique -- this 40th anniversary of Apollo 11 and the death of Walter Cronkite. Sad that he's not here to commemorate the occasion, one that literally left him speechless.

Cronkite's reaction 40 years ago tonight as the Eagle landed in the Sea of Tranquility was simultaneously the most and least eloquent of his esteemed career ... something along the lines of "Hoo, boy." And you have to love the way he then asked astronaut Wally Schirra, who was co-anchoring with him, to chime in and save his ass.

"You say something, Wally, I'm speechless."

I wish I'd been around to see it. If I could, I'd rearrange the threads of history so I'd have been born in 1952 instead of 1972. That way I'd have been 8 when Bill Mazeroski's homer beat the unbeatable Yankees in the 1960 World Series. And I've have been 17 when Apollo 11 landed on the moon.

Of course, that also would have meant that I'd have graduated high school in 1970, right in time to get shipped off to Vietnam. But I do wish I'd been around to see the first lunar landing, to experience that summer of 1969 -- to be there when a truly simple world was transformed into one in which we could go to the moon.

The other day a co-worker told me he wasn't that impressed with the Apollo missions -- that it was all just a matter of mathematics -- that all you have to do is make the right calculations and point the spacecraft in the right direction. OK, but it's not really that simple. And it's especially not that simple when you're doing it with technology conceived 40 and 50 years ago. The average cell phone has more computing power than what NASA had at its disposal. They were still doing those calculations my co-worker was talking about with sliderules because there weren't any electronic devices smart enough to do them.

In 1961, when President Kennedy set the goal of reaching the moon by the end of 1969, NASA had just about 15 minutes of manned space flight to its credit. Yes, it was all a matter of mathematics and making the right calculations, but nobody really knew what the conditions would be like once we shot a spacecraft out there. We thought we knew, but we didn't know. Nobody knew that we could rendezvous and dock in space. We thought we could do it, but we didn't know. And nobody knew how to create a landing craft that would get the job done, that wouldn't weigh too much, that wouldn't get stuck up there and leave two men stranded on the moon for eternity.

In less than 10 years, we got it all figured out. We tested and tried and failed. We lost Gus Grissom, Ed White and Roger Chaffee on the launch pad during a test that required them to do nothing more than lay on their backs in the command module for a few hours. But we didn't give up. We completed the mission. And it is the greatest achievement in human history.

If there is to be a lasting legacy from Apollo, this is it: This country can achieve whatever it wants if we put our minds and our efforts and our resources into it and we refuse to give up. The men who walked on the moon would have us use such resolve to go back there or to Mars, which apparently Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong and Michael Collins talked to President Obama about today. As idealistic and romantic a notion as that is on this 40th anniversary of "one small step for man," there are far more pressing issues for us to address.

What if we put an Apollo-like level of resolve into ending the era of internal combustion engines? What if we decided to get off petroleum-based fuel in 10 years? What if we decided we were going to fix our dilapidated electrical grid and its endless miles of wires that can shut off power to the entire Eastern seaboard if the trees are overgrown in the wrong place in Ohio? What if we decided that everyone deserves to have health care without worrying about how much they're going to have to pay for it? What if we decided that in the wealthiest nation on earth it was no longer going to be acceptable for people to live on the streets? What if we decided -- as Rob Lowe's character Sam Seaborn in The West Wing once argued -- that "schools should be palaces?"

What if we could muster an Apollo program for even one of those things? How much better would our country be? The agonizing thing is that we know we can. Apollo taught us that. It took nearly a decade and an army of 400,000 people working in NASA and various private-sector firms across the country. But it happened. We did it once. Why can't we -- or won't we -- do it again? Yes, of course, this is rampant, childish idealism. But isn't that what Apollo was all about? And how can you avoid thinking that way when you look at the iconic images of that time -- two men standing on the moon, a quarter of a million miles away, the command module and the lunar module, floating in space, docking and flying home. We lived in a world where things had never been done. And then they were.

I just hope I'm around to see it when we decide to do something again.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Meet the new Pirates, same as the old Pirates

So it's been two years since I last decided to say anything here. I've gotten a few stray comments here and there, so I guess someone is reading. Or not. Whatever.

Tonight I've been jolted back into a ranting mood by news I never saw coming. I'm watching MLB Network when I see a crawl go across the bottom of the screen saying the Pirates have traded Nate McLouth to the Atlanta Braves for prospects. First I sat there dumbfounded, reading it and then rewinding it on the DVR to make sure I saw what I saw. Then I searched the Web. The Internets never lie, you know.

Why do I not give up on the Pirates? I've given up on everything else. They've clearly given up on me and every other Pittsburgher. But it's like an addiction or something. I've got MLB Extra Innings, so I can watch whatever game I want, but who do I turn on every night? Pirates. Why do I do that? Lanny Frattare is retired now, so I don't even have the nostalgia factor working there anymore. I was spared the three-hour treat tonight of listening to Greg Brown try to spin this trade as a good thing because the Pirates and Mets got rained out. Hey, they beat Johan Santana last night, so less than 24 hours later they trade away their best player. Makes perfect sense, right?

God damn, am I sick of watching this team sell off its top talent. Jason Bay, Xavier Nady, Aramis Ramirez, Jason Schmidt. Yeah, I'm perfectly well aware that I can't hold the current management accountable for stuff that happened before they took over. So what? Whether they like it or not, this franchise has a well-deserved reputation for dumping its top talent and getting players of empty promise in return. And here's the thing ... a great way to not get lumped in with the old management would be to -- wait for it -- stop getting rid of all the best players.

I'm still devastated over Ramirez. We traded one of the best third basemen in baseball and Kenny Lofton, who was hitting .277 at the time, for Jose Hernandez, Bobby Hill and some guy named Matt Bruback, who never made it to the majors. Hill was a marginal middle infielder. And Hernandez? Hoo boy. You're talking about one of the most notoriously undisciplined hitters in baseball at the time -- he hasn't played since 2006. Want numbers? He has more career strikeouts (1,391) than hits (1,166). He struck out 56 times in 58 games after the Pirates acquired him in 2003. Then they released him. Two years and 121 strikeouts later -- after the Dodgers and Indians had both seen enough and let him walk as a free agent -- the Pirates re-signed him. He managed to strike out only 29 times and get 32 hits in 67 games in 2006 before they somehow managed to convince the Phillies to buy his contract.

Meanwhile, Ramirez has hit 200 homers and driven in 671 runs since the trade. I may never get over that one, which doesn't bode well for handling this McLouth thing. Then again, given the team's recent history, I had already resigned myself to losing Bay last year, so it softened the blow when it happened. It's like clockwork. They're going to get dumped as soon as they're marketable. But nobody saw this coming. The Pirates just signed McLouth to a three-year deal in February, and team president Frank Coonelly was quoted by the Post-Gazette saying that McLouth's deal and others the team signed with Ryan Doumit and Paul Maholm, "reflect our commitment to build a strong core from within our system.’’

But I guess that was February. Lots has changed. You've got a team that finally is pitching well, save for Ian Snell. Can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree with Bob Smizik that Snell needs a minor league stint to get his shit together. Other than that, all they need to do is score some damn runs. It's the first week of June, and yeah, they're in fifth place. But they're only six games out. So what do they do? Trade the team leader in home runs and runs batted in.

Yeah, yeah, I know you have to look at what you get in return in a trade, and this time the buzz is that one of the pitchers Atlanta gave us is ready for the big leagues now. The other pitcher in the deal is getting rocked in Class A ball this season. And they gave us an outfielder we don't really need, but he's in Class A too. And if history tells us anything, the guys the Pirates get in these deals rarely pan out anyway.

It's yet another sad day for the Pirates. But we're used to it. And how much do we really care? The Penguins are in the Stanley Cup Finals for the second year in a row. By the time they drop the puck Thursday night for Game 4, it'll have been 24 hours since news of this trade came out. At that point, how many people do you think will give a shit who these guys are that the Pirates got in this trade?

The Steelers go to camp July 27. All will be right with the world then.